Fail to prepare = prepare to fail
A while back I came across this powerful saying
'Fail to prepare = prepare to fail'.
It's a great quote to live by.
Firstly, it was to great use when explaining to my kids about exams, interviews and life in general but also it's so true in a health and safety point of view too!
Businesses and people need to prepare, they need to have the right health and safety procedures and equipment in place. They need to make sure that their staff are educated and know what to do in emergencies and how to keep the workplace safe. For if they don't prepare they should prepare to 'fail' and with that I mean if they don't take the precautions then they should beware of the consequences i.e hefty fines, employee injuries etc all of which can have serious impacts on the business.
We can certainly help with the health and safety signs and can point you in the direction of some health and safety consultancies to help with this.